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Perhaps you're feeling down, anxious or lost and you cannot understand why. Maybe you're insecure about your current employment, have financial worries, lost your self-esteem or just feel that you aren't living the life you were meant to lead. Or maybe it's because you're unsure about the future of a relationship or even feeling trapped. Whatever the reason maybe, we will work together from an holistic point of view looking at aspects such as relationships, environmental, social, domestic, workplace and personal aspects of your life as well as lifestyle and wellbeing factors to assess, identify and begin the process self-discovery and journey to a better, healthier and happier you! By breaking down and looking at individual aspects of your life where small changes can be made for the better, we can create what's called "Marginal Gains" & Smart Goals. These Marginal Gains when combined together towards your Smart Goals can lead to significant gains and improvements in mental health and wellbeing overtime! In conjunction to the above, I also use and have access to the latest scientifically proven Medication-Free Depression treatment developed by Flow Neuroscience that combines Medically & NHS approved tDCS Brain Stimulation & Behavioural Therapy as a powerful treatment for depression - Click here to find out more about Flow tDCS:

Certified Professional Consultant

Thomas Maher (MCMA)

Certified - Professional Therapist

Hello and thank you for taking the time to visit my website. I am a fully certified mental health therapist  with a vast amount of personal & client based experiences and knowledge stemming from a wide range of backgrounds, particularly within the music industry where I continue to operate. Through academic studies and various industry training I have attained numerous qualifications and distinctions over the years in Addictions, Buddhism & Spiritulism, Counselling, Psychology, Mental Health, Mindfulness, CBT & Health/Fitness  therapy. I have also trained and continue to volunteer with Mind & have a vast amount of personal experience of both Depression and Anxiety having suffered Adolescent Depression and also Major Depression later in life.  I am the founder of Musicians Against Depression (MAD) - the online platform and initiative dedicated to Mental Health and loaded with essential information and links as well as vital emergency contacts. I continue to volunteer with the NHS Royal Voluntary Service having remotely assisted people through the Pandemic and privately at my home. Please feel free to contact me if need be and feel free to check out some of the useful information and links provided on this site. If you're looking for someone who'll understand, identify with, and over time guide you to a Better, Healthier and Happier you - then you've come to the right place.

I am firmly committed to helping anyone in need of Mental Health aid particularly those in receipt of benefits or low income who otherwise could not afford professional help. I therefore offer my services on a sliding fee scale basis so that access to help for everyone regardless of income or circumstance is available. Help is only a telephone call away) If you need to speak with someone about how you're feeling you can contact "The Samaritans" on 116 123 24/7 helpline. If you're having suicidal thoughts or in danger of self-harming please contact the NHS Crisis Team on 111  Alternatively if you'd like to book or discuss an appointment with me please feel free to contact me.

Thomas Maher - Mental Health Consultant.
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Need to speak with someone now? Call the Samaritans on 116 123

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